The definition of body modification is, in the simplest terms, “body modification” means to deliberately alter one's physical appearance. So that means anything, I guess. Cosmetic surgery, tattoos, etc. But most people think of tattoos and piercings when they hear the words "body modification".
Personally, I think that body modification is a form of self-expression, like dying your hair or wearing an item of clothing that you like. I see nothing wrong with it. It's like, some people get tattoos because they want to be a work of art. It is their choice. For me, being into rock and punk music, tattoos, piercings and stretched ears are a pretty common thing. Almost everybody has their ears pierced, maybe their nose. Most people over 18 have tattoos and a fair few people have dyed hair. That's just the way that it is, because the music I listen to encourages self-expression, and punk artists have always had tattoos and piercings. It's a stereotype, but it's true...
Yet, now, tattoos seem to be everywhere. (Cheers, "hipsters"). I see people constantly retweeting tattoos they like and saying stuff like "oh I want to be 18 so I can travel and get tattoos". It's like now, if you want to stand out, you have to stay natural. Everyone seems to want (tattoo) sleeves and multiple piercings because they think it's "cool".
Anyway, enough ranting about hipsters.. So many people say to you "oh, your piercing won't look so nice when you're older/ tattoos look horrible when you're older/ you'll regret stretching your ears/ you won't get a job/ your ears won't go back to normal size, etc." And the first thing I have to say here is not giving someone a job because of their mods is DISCRIMINATION! It's personal choice, and if it's something you want, and like, then you won't regret it. It's like people expect all tattoos to have a meaning. No? If you like a picture, get it tattooed. More on that in this guy's video here. People will always seem to have something to say about people's mods. It's just personal choice.
I don't have tattoos yet, but I know I definitely want three; a daisy chain around my left ankle, a small anchor on top of my right foot, and two Xs (see my straightedge post here) on the inside of my right pinky finger. I also want a cute cartoon space rocket somewhere on my torso, something on the inside of my right wrist, and a quote tattooed on my ribs. I have two standard lobe piercings (two in each ear), a helix (top cartilage piercing) in my left ear, and a conch piercing in my right ear. I intend to stretch my first lobe piercings to 5 or 6mm, and get my nose pierced - either septum or nostril, I don't know yet.
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From Eros Plugs here |
I think now I'd like to talk about mods I find hella unattractive... (It's all personal opinion, I am sorry if I offend anyone!) The first one would be getting silicone shapes put under your skin.. Like, just why would you do that to yourself? It looks weird... Then, people who get their ears made into elf-points.. It might seem like a good idea, but it's not really.. Get your tongue slit.. No, thank you. I can cope with tattoos, even scarification (scarring tattoos.. Looks really painful, since they take layers of your skin off so you scar permanently..), and most piercings..
But anyway!! That's all I have to say on the topic of body mods for now..
- Dottie.
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