As I've already mentioned, drinking water and moisturising are two of the most important things you can do. Drinking water is good not only for your skin, but for your body in general, so make a good effort to actually do it!! It'll leave your skin glowing and radiant! Also, no matter what type of skin you have, you need to moisturise. If you don't, your skin will produce more oils to compensate for the moisture it needs. That's most definitely not what you want!
Every morning, I will wash my face using either a cleansing product from Simple's Oil Balancing range, or Ocean Salt or Dark Angels by Lush. I'll then use either Simple's light hydrating moisturiser, or the oil balancing one. If I've used Dark Angels then I use Lush's Tea Tree Water before putting on moisturiser, to close my pores and remove any charcoal residue from my face and neck. In the evenings, I'll just use a thick Nivea moisturiser after washing my face with water in the shower. Once a week, I use Lush's Mask of Magnaminty, or Ocean Salt, depending on whether my skin is dry, or spotty. (products linked below!)
I also try to go makeup-free for most of the week, as it allows my skin to breathe, and I realised that masking spots can end up making them worse. Read more about why I don't wear makeup everyday here.
While having oily/spotty skin is part of being a teenager, there are products that you can use to minimise this. So, here they are:
- Simple's Clear Skin Range - this has worked absolute wonders for my skin, my complexion is much clearer, my skin softer, and it really does help to keep the shine at bay!
- Mask of Magnaminty, Ocean Salt, Dark Angels, and Tea Tree Water - I went into my local lush store to ask about different skincare products for oily skin that gets the occasional breakout. These are the products that I've used myself, and they're really great, but you could also try Coalface, Grease Lightning Spot Treatment and Fresh Farmacy.
- Superdrug's Tea Tree Range - These products are lovely, especially the foaming face wash, and they're much gentler for those of you with sensitive skin!
- The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimiser - for those of you that like to wear lots of foundation, this is great! It mattifies your skin, and the tea tree keeps spots at bay. It's win-win!
Finally, you need to ensure that you aren't putting lots of makeup on your face and leaving it there. This isn't good for you, no matter your skin type. Remove eye makeup using a gentle eye makeup remover, such as the Nivea one, and then use a gentle cleanser to remove the rest of your makeup and any residue. Then, you can use a face mask (but not everyday!), and pop on some moisturiser to bring your face back to it's healthy natural state. It might take longer than just using baby wipes or makeup remover wipes, but it's a lot better for your skin! You also need to ensure that you're washing your face at least once a day, and you're using products that actually work for your skin.
I hope you enjoyed this post! I wanted to share the products that I've been using that have been working for me, as they might help some of you out there! I know that Lush is expensive, and you may have allergies to certain products I've mentioned, but as always, you'll end up finding what works for you, it's just trial and error.
Now, go hydrate!!!
- Dottie x