Monday, 24 August 2015

Motivational Monday - No Zero Days

Hey guys! I've been feeling really uninspired recently, which could be the reason for my mediocre blog posts, but hopefully I can fix things... 

We all have a dream, right? You want to get something out of your life, after putting in a lot of effort. That's the way it works. So here's the plan:

Everyday, do something that will get you one step closer to your goal, or seeing your dream as a reality. Even if it's a tiny thing, I promise you it will help you. I know there will be days when things don't work out, and maybe you can't play that song you almost always ace on guitar, or you can't find the words for your blog post. I also know that other days, you will be able to play everything perfectly and will be able to write five awesome posts. That's the way it is.

My dad explains it as, you will improve constantly, until you reach a certain point, and then you will plateau. This is where you feel totally uninspired and just meh. The way it is with me is, I don't feel like doing anything except lying on the sofa and reading books or watching movies. But if you keep at it, and try to do your thing every day, you will get better at it. Suddenly you'll be able to do the thing, and it's like "holy crap how did this happen!!??" It's the way it is. I've read somewhere that it's the same in skateboarding - sometimes you land the trick, and sometimes you end up with gravel in your chin. (I'm thinking of taking up skating, in case you were wondering...) 

I saw a photo on Instagram which explained this a lot better than I can, but basically, it told you to not have "zero days".  A "zero day" is a day when you do nothing to help you achieve your dream. So, I want you to do something everyday. Practice piano scales. Sketch. Paint. Do your mum's hair. Whatever it is, make sure it helps you to get one step closer to your dream or goal. Some days it will suck, and, quite honestly, you will be terrible, but that is how you improve. So don't give up when you can't do something, stick at it, and be the best. Climb the pyramid of people who are better than you and reach the top. Be the best. Stick at it.
Have no zero days. 

Best of luck with everything, guys. My next post will be Wednesday. 

If this helped you, or inspired you in any way, please feel free to comment, or share this with your friends. It would be pretty cool if you commented what you're going to do everyday to achieve your dream, I'd love to know!

Bye for now!!
- Dottie. 

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