Friday, 18 September 2015

That's The Spirit! - Album Review.

It's here. Finally. (Well it arrived last week, but I'm not a professional so I don't get any previews and I have college to go to...). The long-anticipated That's The Spirit from British metal-punks, Bring Me the Horizon. 

I bought my copy last Friday (the actual release day) after college, on a whim, because I was early for my bus. I also purchased a copy of their 7" single, Happy Song. I'm not going to do a track-by-track review, because those bug me, so I'll try to comment on a few songs, and the album as a whole. Here goes...

The album's opening track, Doomed seems to be a rather subdued song, with a depressing feeling to it. Makes sense, though, as that's what Bring Me are all about. Nevertheless, it's a pretty good song, and shows off singer Oli Sykes' pretty cool vocal range. 

The first single from this album is Happy Song, and I have to admit, I slightly adore it! I love the whole concept of having a song that will cheer you up, and that a band such as Bring Me recognise their fans' need for a band to look up to and help them through tough times. For that, I commend you, Bring Me!! But anyway, the riffs in this song are impressive, and the lyrics catchy. 

The sound on That's The Spirit is different to previous albums, and they've come a long way from the days when they were angry, bitter youths hyped up on cocktails of drugs and alcohol (true story, but not mine to tell. They've changed for the better now, I'm proud of them). But anyway, I feel as though their sound is becoming more mainstream, and less metal. It's definitely not their old sound. It's different even to 2013's album Sempiternal, but I like the new sound. Bands need to evolve and change to keep things fresh and reach a new audience. 

But, I do have some issues with this album. The first is in the form of a grammatical mistake in the song True Friends. It bugs me more than it should, and I just pull a face every time I hear it. The second issue I have is with the song What You Need. Well it's not so much the song as the lyrics. I feel as though lyrics such as "I'll kill myself for the **** fun" should not be included in this album as it may be sold to vulnerable, impressionable people, and it may cause some serious issues. I understand that knowing other people that you look up to feel the way you do helps in some way, but, in my opinion, it's a bit too obvious how dark and deep this album really is. 

Other than those few minor issues that are more just my personal opinion, I think that That's The Spirit really is a great album, musically especially. The sound is massive, I can see why they headline huge arenas. (Although their Reading performance was really disappointing). 
If you were to buy any songs from this album, I would recommend Happy Song, True Friends or Oh No

Let me know if there's any albums you'd like me to review, they can be older or new albums!! Bye guys!
- Dottie. 

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