But I have been nominated for a Liebster Award!!

Yes indeed, both the lovely Sam Denby and the wonderful TeenageTanglewreck nominated me, and I've been meaning to answer Sam's questions since she nominated me.. So I'm going to answer both sets of questions..
Now, for those of you who don't know what this award is, and I'll be honest, I didn't, it's basically a way of raising awareness of bloggers without large followings. So here's how it works...
- Someone nominates you. In their post, they will have answered 11 questions, then nominated 11 bloggers with less than 1000 followers or readers. They will then create 11 questions for the 11 bloggers to answer.
- These bloggers will then answer the questions, nominate 11 new bloggers with less than 1000 readers, and create 11 new questions.. Don't forget to put links to their pages!! Oh, and comment on their blog to let them know!!
- And so it goes...
I hope that makes sense!! And now, without further ado, let's answer the questions!!
Sam Denby's questions:
1. Your Favourite Album?
My favourite album is possibly Green Day's American Idiot, just because it was the first album that made me think 'holy shit, I want to get involved in the music scene. I want to do this!!'
2. Favourite book?
I think my favourite book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Because, y'know, Harry Potter.. And there's just something about that book!
3. If you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Easy peasy, water! Honestly, I drink water all the time when I'm at college, and it just makes me feel healthy, and good.. Although I do really want to say tea.. I love tea...
4. Fruit or Vegetable?
5. Your Favourite Holiday?
By this I assume you mean, like Christmas, Easter, etc. and I am going to say Christmas, as I get to see all of my family, and that makes me very happy!
6. If you could dance with anyone, who would you dance with?
Hmm, well I don't dance, but I guess I would dance with Rou Reynolds from Enter Shikari, because we both dance in a similar way.. (Like, crazed jumping around to heavy music..)
7. Main reason to why you started your blog?
I started this blog as an outlet for all of my thoughts and emotions. My little corner of the Internet has given me a voice, and I'm very thankful for that!!
8. What are your top 3 moments of 2015?
Hmm, this is difficult...
- Reading Festival, because I never thought that would happen!
- The Turbowolf gig in December. It was so fun, and my favourite band were there, too!!
- Starting college, and finally getting to study something that I really enjoy!
My mum! (I think?)
10. What makes you happy no matter what?
Hmm.. I guess that knowing that I have some truly amazing best friends, and that I have a whole life that I can make my own.. Like I have an entire future that I can shape into something amazing..
11. Cheese or Cracker?
Hmm.. Crackers!!
Yay, thank you Sammy!! And now it's time for...
TeenageTanglewreck's Questions:
1. Have you ever left your home country? If not, have you ever been interstate?
I live in the UK, more specifically England, and while I have not left the UK, I have been to Wales.. If that counts?
2. If you could have any job and everyone gets the same amount what job would you love to have?
Well, my dream job is to be a sound engineer in a live environment, i.e. gigs.. And I'm already working towards that, which is amazing.. I guess though, I'd love to tour with bands like Biffy Clyro, Enter Shikari, etc., and work at huge festivals.. That would be the dream!
3. What would a day in your life consist of?
Well on an average college day, I get up, and depending on how much time I have, I will do some yoga.. Then I get ready to get a bus, walk to college, see friends, go to lesson, have a break, more lessons, then I walk to the bus, then get a bus, then go home.. When I'm at home, I eat, shower, then sleep..
On an average weekend, or day off, I might bake, play guitar, blog, have a driving lesson.. Lots of stuff, but nothing super interesting..
4. If someone met you for the first time what's one word they'd use to describe you?
Well, so many people describe me as quiet, so I guess that would be it? Or perhaps kind..
5. What's your biggest fear, not something like spiders but something like never being to have children?
My biggest fear is forgetting.. Like when people drink too much, and they say stuff like "oh, I can't even remember how I got home last night!" Like doesn't that terrify you?! I would hate to not know parts of my life.. And then there's stuff like dementia.. You forget everyone you know.. I am getting scared even writing about it..
6. What's something you do only for yourself? E.g blogging
Hmm, this is interesting.. See, I want to say that I live my life just for myself, but that's not true. I guess the one thing I completely do for myself is going to college to study music technology, because no one told me that it's what I should do.. I found it for myself.. And that means a lot.
7. What do you think is the perfect age to get married (if you want to get married)?
I guess this is different for everyone, and it's hard to say exactly when I want to get married.. I guess I'll know when it comes to it.. (maybe after 25?)
8. What's one thing that you have a natural talent for?
I guess that I am intelligent, and a quick learner.
9. Do you have a best friend that you know you'll be best friends forever?
I have two perfect best friends, Emma and Vicky, and they had better not leave me!!
10. If you could live in any country where would you live?
I'm actually pretty happy living in the UK, the gig scene is good!! But I might have to say America, or Australia.. Because why not?!
11. What out of school activities do you do?
I am getting into indoor rock climbing, I go to gigs, I play guitar.. But nothing worthy of writing about!
Okey dokey, so now you know me a little better!! I am nominating...
- Life of a Blonde (Lauryn)
- A Visual Soliloquy
- Chicken Nugget (Emma)
- Karin Wild
- Her Electric Ocean (Sara Lou)
- Midnight Daydream (Anon)
- Emma at Average Teen
- The Terrible Tales of an Awkward Teen (Alliah)
- The Vinyl Notebook (although this may not be your thing? I don't know, sorry!)
- Wondergoth
- Vicky at Wings of Freedom!
Okay guys, so your questions are as follows:
- What would be your desert island album? (Basically if you could only listen to one album for the rest of time, what would it be?)
- What is your favourite quote, and why?
- What three people do you look up to the most, and why?
- What was the last whole album you purchased?
- If you could see any band (ever to exist) live, what band would it be, and why?
- Coffee shop or restaurant, and why?
- Do you prefer going to the cinema, or watching movies at home?
- What medium is best for playing music (vinyl, CD, iTunes, tape...)?
- Do you have a "usual" drink in a coffee shop?
- What three words would you use to describe your style?
- Why did you start your blog, and how do you want it's future to be (e.g. professional, personal, etc.) ?
So there we are!! I hope that you all learnt something about me from this, and to those who I've nominated, I look forward to seeing your answers to my questions!!
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
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